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Postgraduate Qualification Studies

History of Art


The goal of the studies is to familiarise students with the history of art programme which enables the graduates to work at schools, museums, heritage monument protection offices, antique shops and private art galleries.


The advantage of the programme is its interdisciplinary character and the balance between theoretical and practical classes. The studies combine elements of classical history of art, museology, conservation and heritology. The students have the opportunity to prepare an exhibition under the supervision of a specialist. The exhibition is presented at the end of the studies.


After completing the studies:

  • you will acquire knowledge in the field of history of art
  • you will acquire qualifications needed to work at schools, museums, heritage monument protection offices, antique shops and private art galleries.


In addition to the courses on the history of general and Polish art, the studies also offer classes in the field of regional arts, partly in the form of a historical tour, urban planning, artistic doctrines, protection of cultural heritage, aesthetics, basics of conservation, legal basics of the art market, museology, methodology of history of art. Classes on history of arts teaching methods and exhibition organisation are of a practical nature.


The block of courses related to the functioning of museums and the art market is conducted by an outstanding museologist, Leszek Jodliński, MA, who served as the director of the two largest museums in the region – the Silesian Museum in Katowice and the Upper Silesian Museum in Bytom.
Classes in the field of the history of general and Polish art are conducted by a team of employees of the Institute of Arts Studies of the University of Silesia: Barbara Szczypka-Gwiazda, PhD, DLitt – the author of pioneering publications on the art of the interwar period, Marta Ostrowska-Bies, PhD, specialising in the phenomena of 19th and 20th century architecture, and Oskar Rojewski, PhD, focusing his research on medieval art.
The classes on regional art are conducted by Jerzy Gorzelik, PhD, who has been conducting research on the art of Upper Silesia for many years, especially in the context of religious and national disputes.
Aleksandra Gorzelik, MA, an experienced educator and employee of the Provincial Methodological Centre in Katowice, is responsible for conducting classes on the methods of teaching history of art.
Classes on heritage monument protection are conducted by Jacek Owczarek, PhD, who for many years served as a Provincial Monument Conservator, and subsequently, the Director of the Silesian Centre for Cultural Heritage in Katowice.
The team of lecturers with diverse competencies and extensive experience guarantees high quality of the teaching offer.


Number of semesters: 3
Number of hours: 360

Organisation of classes:
The classes take place on Weekends (sessions on Saturdays and Sundays), 2 sessions a month.

Graduation criteria:
In order to complete postgraduate studies, a student must obtain credits in all the courses implemented in accordance with the module plan.

Graduation document:
Postgraduate diploma issued by the University of Silesia in Katowice.


The studies are addressed to:

  • university graduates interested in working in museums, art galleries, local administration, customs services, press and television journalism
  • history of art teachers in primary schools and secondary schools
  • graduates of humanities who wish to broaden their knowledge of history of art, museology and the protection of cultural heritage properties
  • employees of museums, antique shops and art galleries who wish to improve their professional qualifications.

Admission process:
Apply online
Electronic admission process in Online Application System (IRK) on the dates specified in Online Application System (IRK). Choose and proceed according to the instructions.

Admission criteria:
Candidates are admitted to studies according to the registration order and the result of the admission procedure (if it was conducted).

Planned date of beginning classes: February


After being admitted to postgraduate studies, you may start your studies, subject to paying the fee for postgraduate studies. Payments should be made to the student’s individual account, within the deadlines specified in the agreement.


Head of Postgraduate Studies
Jerzy Gorzelik, PhD
Tel. 607 44 09 18

Secretary Office
Marta Klimek

Faculty of Humanities
40-007 Katowice
ul. Bankowa 11
room no. 16
Tel. 32 3591165
Tel. 515 289 336