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Postgraduate Qualification Studies



The goal of the studies is to educate specialists in the field of optometry. During the studies, students will acquire the necessary knowledge, skills and competencies needed to independently practice the profession of optometrist.


The main goal is to educate optometrists prepared for the profession, equipped with the necessary knowledge in the field of ophthalmology, optometry, ocular optics and physics. During the studies, students will acquire the skills to perform procedures aimed at, among others: determining the dominant eye, measuring the distance of the pupil centers, pupil response to light, spatial vision, colour vision, eye movements and the field of vision. They will also acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to perform a static and dynamic sciascopy procedure, as well as acquire the ability to examine refraction conducted with the help of a phoropter and dedicated tests. The participants will learn how to use cross cylinders during the selection of astigmatism correction, they will also learn about the procedures for studying the components of accommodation, the study of phoria and vergence ranges, and binocular functions.


After completing the studies, the student:

  • will have the knowledge of ophthalmology, optometry, ocular optics and physics
  • will have required skills to perform procedures aimed at, among others: determining the dominant eye, measuring the distance of the pupil centers, pupil response to light, spatial vision, color vision, eye movements and the field of vision.
  • will have the necessary knowledge and skills to perform a static and dynamic sciascopy procedure
  • will have the ability to examine refraction conducted with the help of a phoropter and dedicated tests
  • will know how to use cross cylinders during the selection of astigmatism correction, they will also learn about the procedures for studying the components of accommodation, the study of phoria and vergence ranges, and binocular functions.


Lectures, tutorials, and laboratory classes provide knowledge and practical skills in the field of: general anatomy and physiology and the visual system, histology, geometric and physical optics, visual environment, basics of general pathology and the visual system, basics of biochemistry, pharmacology and microbiology, physiological optics, visual perception, optometric examination, binocular vision, basics of children’s optometry, visual perception, amblyopia and visual aids, contact lenses. An important place in the education of future optometrists is also occupied by subjects related to the ethics of the optometrist’s profession, the basics of psychology and interpersonal communication; Both Polish and European organisations associating optometrists place a particular emphasis on developing soft skills.

The curriculum has a positive accreditation opinion of the Polish Society of Optometry and Optics. The University received the Certificate and Quality Mark “Studies with the Future” in 2017 as well as special certificate “Quality Leader” for the Optometry degree programme. The laureates were selected in the Competition and Accreditation Programme “Studies with the Future”, which is used to distinguish the most innovative and modern study programmes and courses at Polish universities.


Classes are conducted by certified optometrists practising in the offices of optometrists who have an Optometrist number issued by the Polish Society of Optometry and Optics. The lecturers are specialists in the field of optometry recognised in the country and abroad, with particular emphasis on specialisations such as: contactology (Wojciech Kida, PhD) as well as binocular vision and vision therapy (Sylwia Stolarczyk, Msc, Paweł Nawrot, Msc).

Classes related to the clinical aspect of optometry, which closely correlates with ophthalmology, are conducted by a team of ophthalmologists (Agnieszka Jakubowska, MD, Michał Milka, MD, Beata Węglarz, MD) under the supervision of Dorota Tarnawska, MD, PhD, DSc.
Classes are also conducted by specialists in other fields, which include: ocular optics, geometric and physical optics, biology and biochemistry, pharmacology, microbiology, anatomy, histopathology, psychology and communication.


Number of semesters: 4
Number of hours: 690 hours

Organisation of classes:
10 sessions per semester, every 2 weeks on average (Saturday and Sunday).

Graduation criteria:
In order to complete postgraduate studies, a student must defend the diploma thesis and pass the final exam with a positive grade. The final exam consists of a practical and theoretical parts.

Graduation document:
Postgraduate diploma issued by the University of Silesia in Katowice.


The studies are addressed to people with higher education who want to improve their professional qualifications. The main group of people interested in taking up studies are mainly: ocular optometrists, ophthalmologists, refractionists, optical salons employees.
Admission process:
Apply online
Electronic admission process in Online Application System (IRK) on the dates specified in Online Application System (IRK). Choose and proceed according to the instructions.

Admission criteria:
Candidates are admitted to studies according to the registration order and the result of the admission procedure (if it was conducted).

Planned date of beginning of classes: October/February


After being admitted to postgraduate studies, you may start your studies, subject to paying the fee for postgraduate studies. Payments should be made to the student’s individual account, within the deadlines specified in the agreement.



Head of Postgraduate Studies
Dorota Zygadło, PhD
Tel. 32 349 75 86

Secretary Office
Wanda Iwachow, MA

Faculty of Science and Technology
41-500 Chorzów
ul. 75 Pułku Piechoty 1a, room no. P/0/11