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Postgraduate Studies

Cultural Heritage of Cieszyn Silesia and Żywiec Region


The goal of the studies is to further develop the students’ knowledge and skills in the field of knowledge about Cieszyn Silesia and Żywiec Region, prepare them for teaching classes in regional education, provide them with competencies and skills to manage cultural life, and develop their ability to use the contexts of cultural heritage of the region for social and entrepreneurial activities. The goal of the studies is to make students familiar with the basic theoretical and practical issues concerning knowledge about Cieszyn Silesia and Żywiec Region.


An important aspect is to familiarise students with creative and modern methods of promoting regional heritage, innovative ideas for using traditional crafts in contemporary design, and broadly understood artistic culture. The graduates of postgraduate studies in Cultural Heritage of Cieszyn Silesia and Żywiec Region are to be particularly aware of the bond between tradition and modernity, as well as of the possibility to use craft and artistic tradition in building the cultural identity of subsequent generations and regional promotion.


After completing the studies, the graduate:
has the competencies to work as an educator in the field of knowledge about Cieszyn Silesia and Żywiec Region
is prepared to conduct regional education classes
has the ability to manage cultural life
is able to use the contexts of cultural heritage of the region for social and entrepreneurial activities
knows the methods of promoting regional heritage.


The curriculum of these postgraduate studies is oriented towards improving knowledge about Cieszyn Silesia and Żywiec Region, as well as shaping the competencies for creative and modern use of the potential of heritage of this region in the field of traditional culture, industrial culture and natural environment. It provides practical skills for working in a local community and cooperating with cultural institutions, as well as for diagnosing cultural needs.


Classes are conducted by a qualified research and teaching employees of the University of Silesia in Katowice from the Faculty of Arts and Educational Science, equipped with qualifications and competencies in the field of regional knowledge. This group is supplemented by practitioners of regional education, representatives of cultural institutions from Cieszyn Silesia and Żywiec Region.

The lecturers include:
Józef Broda – folklorist, multi-instrumentalist
Ewa Cudzich, MA – University of Silesia, ethnologist, folklorist, practitioner of regional education
Mirosław Dziergas, MA – Director of the Department of Tourism and Culture, County Office in Żywiec
Ewa Gołębiewska – Cieszyn Castle
Prof. Daniel Kadłubiec – University of Silesia, ethnographer and literary historian, researcher of culture, folklore, and language of Cieszyn Silesia
Prof. Ryszard Koziołek – University of Silesia, literary scholar, literary historian
Stefan Lechwar, PhD, DLitt. – University of Silesia, graphic artist, designer
Katarzyna Marcol, PhD, DLitt. – University of Silesia, ethnologist
Agata Mucha, MA – The National Institute of Heritage
Barbara Rosiek, MA – Municipal Museum in Żywiec
Grzegorz Studnicki, PhD, DLitt. – ethnologist, employee of the Museum of Cieszyn Silesia
Michał Sobala, PhD – University of Silesia, geographer from the Department of Regional Geography and Tourism
Urszula Szwed, MA (Dinksy – illustration and design studio)
Magdalena Szyndler, PhD, DLitt. – University of Silesia, ethnomusicologist, folklorist.


Number of semesters: 2
Number of hours: 204
Organisation of classes:
Classes take place on Saturdays and Sundays – two sessions per month on average.
Graduation criteria:
In order to complete postgraduate studies, a student must defend the diploma thesis and pass the final exam with a positive grade.
Graduation document:
Postgraduate diploma issued by the University of Silesia in Katowice.


The studies are addressed to a wide range of teachers, educators, third sector activists, regional business representatives, graduates of studies related to broadly understood culture and art, as well as local artists who want to increase their knowledge about Cieszyn Silesia and Żywiec Region. The learning outcomes of the proposed studies provide support for conducting regional education, particularly as part of classes in regional knowledge.

Admission process:
Apply online
Electronic admission process in Online Application System (IRK) on the dates specified in Online Application System (IRK). Choose and proceed according to the instructions.

Admission criteria:
Candidates are admitted to studies according to the registration order and the result of the admission procedure.

Planned date of beginning of classes: October/February


After being admitted to postgraduate studies, you may start your studies, subject to paying the fee for postgraduate studies. Payments should be made to the student’s individual account, within the deadlines specified in the agreement.


Head of Postgraduate Studies
Bogusław Dziadzia, PhD, DLitt, Associate Professor

Secretary Office
Aleksandra Kobielus, MA
Tel. 33 8546371

Faculty of Arts and Educational Science
ul. Bielska 62
43 – 400 Cieszyn