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Postgraduate Studies

Pastoral Theology


The goal of the studies is to prepare students for pastoral work in parishes, pastoral groups, as well as in catechetical service and teaching religion at schools. The segment devoted to psychology and pedagogy prepares students to react appropriately while encountered with various disorders. The segment devoted to sociology teaches contemporary social phenomena and the mechanisms of their occurrence.


The studies cover education in three segments: pastoral and catechetical; psychological and pedagogical; sociological. The studies help to acquire the skill of analysing social processes, taking into account religious, cultural, political and economic contexts. The studies prepare students for pastoral work in parishes, pastoral groups, as well as in catechetical service and teaching religion at schools.


After completing the studies, the graduate:

  • possess an in-depth knowledge of pastoral theology
  • is able to use the knowledge of systematic theology in the changing pastoral reality, which includes both work in the parish pastoral service as well as in teaching religion at school.
  • learns about new pastoral currents and is able to implement them while working with various pastoral groups
  • deepens the knowledge of new currents in teaching in order to use them in educational work at school
  • has an in-depth knowledge of pedagogy, psychology and sociology, which allows them to better carry out the tasks in the context of social and cultural changes
  • is able to correctly interpret and explain social phenomena and mutual relations between them. The student has basic skills in conducting social research necessary to develop diagnoses of the needs of the recipients of catechetical and pastoral activity of the Catholic Church.
  • is able to communicate with specialists in the field of catechetical and pastoral activity of the Catholic Church through various communication channels and techniques
  • correctly identifies new challenges related to individual, family, community, social and political life
  • sees and understands the need of active participation in activities for the preservation and development of the Christian and cultural heritage of the region, country, and Europe.


The curriculum focuses on: “Theology of evangelisation” The studies cover education in three segments: pastoral and catechetical; psychological and pedagogical; sociological. Pastoral and catechetical segment covers the exploration of the teachings of theology in order to use them in pastoral work in the parish, in pastoral groups, in catechetical service and teaching religion at school. This exploration is related to social changes and pastoral challenges. The psychological and pedagogical segment aims to equip students with the tools to react appropriately to the phenomena of various disorders that can be encountered in pastoral or catechetical work. The classes’ goal is to provide adequate insight into these phenomena and provide knowledge that will allow them to respond competently. The goal of the sociological segment is to acquire knowledge on contemporary social phenomena, as well as to acquire the ability to interpret and learn about the mechanisms of their occurrence and research possibilities.


The classes are conducted by research and teaching employees of the University of Silesia.


Number of semesters: 4
Number of hours: 360 hours

Organisation of classes:
The classes take place on Thursdays, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Graduation criteria:
In order to complete postgraduate studies, a student must write a diploma thesis and pass the final exam.

Graduation document:
Certificate of Postgraduate Studies in Pastoral Theology. Graduates applying for a canonical licentiate in theology (STL) also receive a diploma.


The studies are addressed to clergy and lay people who wish to be actively and professionally involved in catechesis and pastoral, and who are interested in the evangelising mission of the Church. In accordance with church regulations, students with a Master’s degree in theology may obtain a Bachelor’s degree in Pastoral Theology.

Admission process:
Apply online
Electronic admission process in Online Application System (IRK) on the dates specified in Online Application System (IRK). Choose and proceed according to the instructions.

Admission criteria:
Candidates are admitted to studies according to the registration order and the result of the admission procedure (if it was conducted).

Planned date of beginning classes: October 2022


After being admitted to postgraduate studies, you may start your studies, subject to paying the fee for postgraduate studies. Payments should be made to the student’s individual account, within the deadlines specified in the agreement.


Head of Postgraduate Studies
Rev. Andrzej Pastwa, PhD, DSc
Tel. 32 356 90 57

Secretary Office
Halina Janik, MA
Tel. 32 356 90 57

Faculty of Theology
40-043 Katowice
ul. Jordana 18