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Postgraduate Studies:

of Social Behaviours


The goal of the studies is to expand the students’ knowledge of general psychology, organisational culture and social behaviour in the organisation.


Psychology of Social Behaviours Studies allow to expand the students’ knowledge in the field of:
general psychology (personality, individual differences, coping with stress, motivation) as well as psychology of interpersonal relations (mechanisms of social perception, the individual vs the collective, social influence, aggression and pro-social behaviour, elements of political psychology)
organisational culture and social behaviour in the organisation (cultural determinants of behaviour, cultural differences, psychology of the employee team, control and team management, motivating others, unethical behaviour in the organisation – mobbing, conflict resolution, conducting negotiations, public relations training, advertising psychology), establishing interpersonal relations and successful human interactions (a series of interpersonal communication workshops, classes in the diagnosis and shaping of emotional intelligence, self-presentation and self-management training, as well as assertiveness training).


After completing the studies:

  • you will be equipped with psychological knowledge crucial to understanding social behaviour
  • you will know how to use your own resources and possibilities in an optimal way
  • you will expand your self-knowledge and self-awareness
  • you will be equipped with the knowledge of general psychology, organisational culture and social behaviour in the organisation.
  • you will be able to establish interpersonal relationships and improve human interactions.


Classes, in the form of workshops, trainings and lectures with elements of exercises stimulating the students, are conducted by experienced lecturers of University of Silesia as well as practitioners and trainers with years of experience. The students have a chance not only to develop their skills, but thanks to preparing their own project or analysing a theoretical issue (diploma thesis), they also gain experience valued by employers, which increases their chances on the labour market.


Classes are conducted by employees of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Silesia, as well as other specialists, licensed trainers of the Polish Psychological Association who have extensive experience in conducting workshops and trainings, including various interpersonal and personal skills, who are able to meet the expectations of students interested in acquiring knowledge and learning about the practical aspects of the subject.


Number of semesters: 2
Number of hours: 220 hours

Organisation of classes:
The classes are conducted in a part-time system. Sessions take place on Saturdays and Sundays, once or twice a month.

Graduation criteria:
In order to complete postgraduate studies, a student must write a diploma thesis.

Graduation document:
Postgraduate diploma issued by the University of Silesia in Katowice.


The studies are addressed to people interested in expanding their knowledge in the field of psychology of social and organisational behaviours and the cultural and ethical factors that determine them, as well as improving their skills in the field of human communication and group management: managers, teachers, trainers, employees of customer service departments, marketing and advertising, PR, human resources management.

Admission process:
Apply online
Electronic admission process in Online Application System (IRK) on the dates specified in Online Application System (IRK). Choose and proceed according to the instructions.

Admission criteria:
Candidates are admitted to studies according to the registration order and the result of the admission procedure (if it was conducted).

Planned date of beginning of classes: October/February


After being admitted to postgraduate studies, you may start your studies, subject to paying the fee for postgraduate studies. Payments should be made to the student’s individual account, within the deadlines specified in the agreement.


Head of Postgraduate Studies
Maciej Janowski, PhD

Secretary Office
Urszula Sławecka
Tel. 32 359 97 41

Faculty of Social Sciences
40-126 Katowice
ul. Grażyńskiego 53, room no. 12